Donnerstag, 18. April 2013


It's finally spring in Korea and temperatures reach 20 degrees Celcius. In this time of the year ,especially now, Koreans go flower watching (Some locations :-D). So we went too.
We went to the Yeounido Station by Metro and walked to the Yeounido Park. This park has three different themes: Grassland, traditional korean forest and some "wildlife" park (no actual animals). The shape of the park is more long than wide. It has a roundtip for pedistriants and cyclists (there is even a cycle rental place, which also rents inline skates). The walking path for pedestriants is very nice, because it has some kind of rubber texture, which makes walking on it very enjoyable. The roundtrip is about 1.6 km long.
Along the trip are several passages were you can walk into the park. At this time of the year many of the trees did not have many leaves yet, so you easily could spot the cherry and plum trees. They bloom in a white light red color.
As it seems this time of the year is very popular for couples to go to the park ... good god, they were everywhere ^.^ So if you are easily depressed seeing other couples (what reason ever), I would not recommend going there ...
Also in Spring there is another big event: Midterm exams. So when korean students are not out for the cherry blossoms, they are in the library studying. And they are into it. Staying all night out in the library and read books, solve problems and no sleeping. But why the library, you may think: Because, as a korean said, there they can not easily go to bed, when they are tired, they just keep studying.
As for the exchange students, this time is very surreal. In the lectures half of the class is missing because of studying all night. More students then usual are sleeping in the class and the number of people with a ridiculous amout of books is increasing.
I hope we do well in the exams, because the only thing I can not imagine, is the style of tests they have here. We only had two short quizes for half an hour in one subject, and they were not that hard, but the time was running out to fast. Too many calculations and conversions to do by hand eat up your time.
Well, we will see what happens :-D

Also new pictures are online :-D


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