Long Long Time

Well, It's been a long time since my last update... Sorry about that ... Somehow I was quite busy the last weeks... I don't know how. At least I uploaded new pictures :-D

The last weeks there were several events and task:
  • The university festival
  • A small food fesitval
  • Football match (again)
  • A tour through a food market and a nice shopping area
  • Raspberry Pi and IOIO-OTG setup
  • Presentation and paper about Cybersecurity
First of the university festival: its an event which lasts for 3 days. There are food booths and some company give away free stuff (yay). I was kind of busy these days and only saw about half of the festival. In the evening the clubs on the campus have stalls, where they sell food, beer, soju and makgeolli to get some money for their activities. There are always some bands (not a actuall performance, but they where playing too) performing for free, which is awsome.
In this festival there is also a event, where we exchange students made a small food booth. We were selling Tacos (from the mexican delegation), Caipirinha (the brazillian devision) and Wiener Schnitzel (we made that ^.^). But as for korean tastes, the Tacos sold better than the Schnitzel ... I guess it was not exotic enough. But still was a good day.
Two weeks ago I joined a group of young foreingers and koreans for a tour through a food market near to Namdaemun. We were randomly shuffeled into groups of 5 and got some task to solve. One of the tasks was to get food. We had some korean pizza. Then we went towards another market. On the way we played dibidibidip. Our team was not the best ... but as the tides turned for us, as we changed the game to rock-scissor-paper, which we totally ruled.
That weekend I also went to another football game with some exchange students, but it was not that good as the last one, as both teams were playing very defensive. But it does not matter, as we had free tickets from the festival :-D

As for our studies: For our project in Capstone Design, we got a Raspberry Pi and a IOIO-OTG board. Both devices are used to connect blood-pulse sensors, a infrared thermometer and a breath-analyzer. All that combined with two cameras and a gaming stearing wheel becomes a driving ability detector (DAD, which is also the name of our project). As for the hardware issues, we have one electronical engineer and one mechanical engineer in our team.
The basic plan is, to get the drivers viewing direction to ensure that he is not distracted, the drivers pulse to analyze tiredness, to count the drivers blinks to see sleepyness, get the alcohol level in the breath and not start the (fictional) engine if it is too high. There is only one problem at the moment ... The library to communicate with the IOIO is written in Java, through native interfaces, but these are making a fuzz now, so we are struggling ... but we already have a workaround ... we'll see how it works out.
We also had to write a paper about cybersecurity issues in the 21st century and provide some insights or solutions. It was a team project, which I was assigned to with some guys from Malaysia and my roommate ... the teams were somehow not mixed well ^.^ Then last week on Wednesday we had to present the paper. I think the presentation was decent and in a good window of time (took 20 minutes and 40 seconds ^.^).

Next week are finals, and then we will leave for Japan. I will try to write something in the end of this week again. Maybe we make progress with the Raspberry Pi :-D

So long


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